Monday, 18 April 2011

27 Club Booklet, 3 Day Collaboration

Here are the resolutions myself and James Hirst came up with for his Book fair brief.


The pair of us decided to get ride of the white and experimented with a few colours and decided finally on having a very pale purple and turning the opacity down, so viewers can see the images through the text.

Once we new we wanted to use purple, we also converted the names of the members from grey to purple to make the front and back work together.
Also deciding on having the logo behind the text, also having it a bit darker than first planned.

The main fault of the design was the text.
I done a pretty bad job of it. On screen it looked fine, and I though with it being printed onto a larger scale it was be easily to read, but it was eligible unless you got very close.

I should have tried and tested a print before we decided to get them printed.
You make mistakes to learn from them.

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