Friday 3 June 2011

FMP Evaluation

I entered Final Major Project with a lot more confidence than I had for any other modules, reason being during OUGD301 I finally designed and produced work I was really proud of, and was not embarrassed to show people, or get up online for people to see. So coming into this final module I knew I could put together some good, effective design work.

Briefs, I started the module with a selection of briefs to choose from, I knew for definite, I was going to continue with Club27, and add some additions to this brief, and I knew I was going to put together some branding/identity briefs, for two of my house mates who are both photographers. But what other briefs I was going to select I did not know.

Starting the module, I was very laid back, too laid back, thinking the time we had was more than enough. How wrong someone can be. I began the module as I have with every other module in the past, by getting a sketchpad, and drawing a load of ideas down, what ever comes to my headfirst. This went on for a couple of days, which in future I need to work on, because I spend a bit to much time drawing out ideas, and spending a lot of time on each of the drawings, including attention to detail. With doing this I am losing some serious time on designing and producing final products. This is not my only fault I had during this module, and other. Decision Making, something that has haunted me the past few years, spending to much time deciding on what would be better and why, instead of just jumping at a decision and running with it, I feel as modules have gone on I have slowly improved on this, but can be improved a lot more and could make my briefs come along a lot quicker.

Branding/Identity was the first brief I made a real start on, coming up with ideas and designs for Reece Leung and Josh Rose. This was the brief out of the selection I found the easiest, especially with two of my clients living at home with me, so could be getting input from them daily, making sure they are getting designs they liked. This brief took me a few weeks, reason being I decided to do my own identity again and then I was asked by a friends who is a Mixed Media Artist to do his branding, so I also done that, so this was a continuous brief throughout the whole module. I feel I designed some good stuff, and my clients gave me some positive responses for their own designs.

Club27 is a continuous brief from OUGD301, I had a set of posters already, but I thought I could add to this, adding something else and packaging the posters, so I duplex printed on to the posters with a bit of information about the person on the poster, and that would work out as a fold out poster, and it is packaged in a tracing paper packet, with the logo printed onto it, making the item look alot better and a lot more professional, along with this brief, I also designed a set of magazines based on each of the members, keeping the magazine design to a minimal, sticking to black and white, text and image. I was really happy how they came out, especially with me printing them in the mac suite, the quality of them came out alot better than I imagined. The front and back cover, was simply a coloured paper stock with a image of that personal taking up the front. The magazines where packaged exactly the same as the posters so they all worked as a set. This brief is the the best piece of work I have produced through this module, and arguably the happiest piece of design work I have done to date.

VYNL, came up with the idea of putting together a set of vinyls, 6 in total. My plan was to put together the vinyl, compact disc and framed vinyls, so it is long the lines of a platinum record. my idea was to do silhouettes of items, so people could guess the band name, type as image almost. Having a bold colour with a white image. I feel it came along really well, I packaged them well, with the option of putting the vinyls into a box that I had made for me by Joe Benali from woodwork.

Crop Circles, I had never produced a brief based on t-shirts over the past three years, so I thought FMP could be a good opportunity to do so. A interest of mine is Paranormal Activity, so I thought I would base the designs around that. With me deciding on this brief later than the others, I was unfortunate that the Screen Printing was fully booked, so I purchased some T-Shirt Printing Paper, and gave that a go, printing my designs on to that and ironing the designs on to the tee, the first few attempts failed, miserably, then I managed to get some that looked better than the others, although the resolutions I ended up where not great, I feel the photographs done the designs some sort of justice, including images of the t-shirt being packaged and the magazine that I designed to go with the t-shirts to give the brief a little bit more.

Context Book, I based my context booklet on branding, titling the book, "Branding Through The Ages." Focusing on brand logo's and how they have changed over the past years, main focus being large drink companies, football crests and others. I found myself research for hours to try and find a right set and finding out any possible information about the brand, why did it change, and comparing how they are now to how they where then. My final piece was not sent off to be bound, I decided to give it ago myself, as I had put 5 of my Club27 magazines together myself, thought I would keep the style and designs through out the module. But if I was to change anything I would have got the booklet finished a lot earlier and had it sent off, with that giving me a chance to compare and then the chance to decide what would be the better outcome to hand in.

Boards, I came to the end of year and it was that time of having no money, so unfortually I could not afford to have my boards printed down in the print dungeon, so I had to use my print credits and get them done in the mac suites using 2 pieces of A3. I feel I got all the information need for the briefs up and on there and enough to explain the brief. My main fault would have had to on the Branding/Identity Briefs, the images I used where dark and where not the greatest, on the camera they looked fine and then when uploaded, they where dark and blurry, but by the time I had noticed and uploaded them to the board I had ran short on time to do anything about them, that was something that will have let my practice down.

Time Management is something I seem to mention every module I do, I feel this module I have managed my time a lot better than I have for any other of the past modules, I kept myself organised with planners and set times to get everything done. I made sure I got my designs done with time to spare to do any editing, if needed. The only time I did fail with this was for my boards, which I mentioned above some of them where dark, and the colours where not how I wanted them, but by the time of deadline day, I did not get the chance to re-shoot the images, that was a disappointment, and caused by my lack of time management.

Over All compared to other modules, I am pleased with what I have put together the past few months. Feel I pulled together some strong designs, and found the direction of design I want to focus on. Organisation skills have been a lot better, and like I mentioned earlier I feel my team management has came along a lot better than other modules. I am feeling a lot more confident in myself, and sending my work out to companies and having people viewing it, no more hiding. I feel how I have gone about this final year has helped me majorly with that.

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